I’ve just passed the 300 mark of columns in my blog file — of course you haven’t been privy to every­thing I’ve writ­ten, some are bet­ter than oth­ers. Some days I’m just rant­i­ng and let­ting off steam (which is why those arti­cles stay pri­vate!). On oth­er days I try hard to rein in my thoughts and keep them rel­a­tive­ly coher­ent! Those you can read at rea­son­able intervals.

It means I am approach­ing my third year of blog­ging but more than 10 years of writ­ing, most­ly for my own amuse­ment and edu­ca­tion. Writ­ing tru­ly clar­i­fies one’s thoughts and opin­ions and also turns out to be incred­i­bly ther­a­peu­tic for me. 

2010 is the year I will return to a col­lege course for the first time in 37 years. The many years of work­ing in, writ­ing about and think­ing about ear­ly child­hood care and infant devel­op­ment will stand me in good stead since that is the sub­ject of my degree course. I feel for­tu­nate that I’ve final­ly received good cred­it from a rep­utable U.S. uni­ver­si­ty for my British Cer­tifi­cate in Edu­ca­tion and that I can com­pile a port­fo­lio of work expe­ri­ence, which has been exten­sive and unique.

My biggest chal­lenge will be the online nature of the course. My new com­put­er is up and run­ning and just requires its own­er to famil­iarise her­self with it and the new pro­grammes required for the course! Thanks to blog­ging I feel sure writ­ing will not be a prob­lem and thanks to many years of read­ing and research those aspects of the course shouldn’t be chal­leng­ing either.

I will no doubt be writ­ing more about usabil­i­ty and user inter­face issues as they relate to young chil­dren and com­put­ers in the com­ing years. For­tu­nate­ly I have my per­son­al guru, Dan Rubin, as my advi­sor for the computer/web side of things.

2010 is going to be an excit­ing and adven­ture-packed year for me — hold on for the ride! Blog­ging may be inter­mit­tent but it does­n’t mean that I’ve for­got­ten about those of you who read and com­ment on my work.

Thank you all — Hap­py New Year!