Last Wednesday the glorious sunset as I looked west from a friend’s house, coupled with the full moon looming wonderfully large and low over the trees to the east when I returned home, got me thinking about this time of year, particularly as it relates to the last 10 years of my life.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt all your stars were aligned?
I now realise that it happened to our family in July 1999 when M was lifted slowly and successfully from his 50 day induced coma and then for me 10 years later when I recently took the wonderful 9‑day intense infant/toddler course I wrote about on July 26th in ‘Brilliant Experience!’.
This anniversary of sorts marks our family’s experiences 10 years ago when M was still lying in his room in the cardiovascular unit of our local hospital.
Wimbledon had been on TV, enthusiastically watched by my youngest son, then 18, and M’s cardiologist. It gave them both something other than M’s case to talk about; something cheerful for a change. As M came out of his coma the Tour de France was on TV — one of M’s early passions. It became a useful tool for us to help jog his memory.
So July 2009 marks an eventful time in my life, like nothing else I’ve ever been through and in retrospect the stars were aligned then for M and us. Which is why I believe he has done better than simply survive for 10 years.
On the 3‑hour journey to my course location last month my favourite CD’s accompanied me. The Friday evening I arrived I met a fantastic group of 12 women of all ages working in the field of childcare and passionate about their work, no matter their paper qualifications.
I am overwhelmed by what I learned in my course but so encouraged that much of what I’ve been writing about for 10 years was contained in it. What a surprise; more than I’d hoped for.
Gradually what I learned from my course will show itself in my writing.
On the journey home I was accompanied by my youngest son’s choice of music, since by then I was using his car: The King’s Singers, Attraction (a barbershop quartet) and finally my choice of music: ‘I Wanna Be Around’, my sons’ most recent barbershop quartet CD.
When I say the stars were aligned here’s how my journey home panned out: I experienced so many emotions listening to The King’s Singers, appropriate to my week of experiences; then came Attraction singing a gospel tune and just as I heard the lyrics “…when you see the lightning flashing…” the rain came down and the lightning flashed all round me! Finally I was moved by the mellifluous voices of my sons and their two friends as I drove up to our house when the last song on their CD ended — 8pm on the nose, just as I’d predicted!
The icing on the cake was to hear from our oldest son, Dan, who had safely landed back in the US after a two-month stay in England.
The stars were aligned in July 1999, again in July of this year and this week the sun and the moon worked for me too!
Onwards and upwards with hope and excitement!