Category Archives: Uncategorized
Emotions and Young Children
As adults we usually show a range of emotions. Having said that I realise that for most of my life I didn’t show a large range of emotions! But of course as we get older, and hopefully reflect on our own upbringing and its effect on our development, we should realise where some of our […]
How Do You Explain?
How do you explain to a mother that there’s a happier way to greet her daughter at the end of the day? How do you explain that her daughter has ‘fallen in love’ with a piece of music with video, that I play…every day…and that her daughter now ‘requests’ what I call “the pretty music” […]
UX (User Experience) For The Under-5’s And Their Teachers
For those of you who don’t know the term ‘UX’ means User Experience, something I feel I’ve long been aware of but never had a name for until my sons got into the world of the web many years ago. The phrase makes perfect sense once you think about it. I think about it most […]
A Fond Farewell
Steve Jobs… You died nearly two months ago. I am still writing and storing these blog articles on a beloved iMac which is over 10 years old – thank you. In so many ways I haven’t moved with the times and yet thanks to Steve I have. I am fortunate to have one of the […]
Prosody — A New Word For Me
I’ve taken the liberty of using this description from the Center for Spoken Language Understanding at Oregon Health and Science University. Prosody involves “…the melody, timing and intonation of speech, refers to the ‘how it is said’ not to the ‘what is said’ of languageâ€. “We use prosody to convey meaning, intent and emotions. The […]
For All You 30-Something ‘Successful’ People
The time is coming. There is much you should be thinking about. Have you met the partner of your dreams? That’s great. If you haven’t don’t get desperate – I’ve seen what ‘desperate’ can do when they have to meet on matchdotcom and then ‘have’ to have a child because time is running out (By […]
Effects Of Pain And Trauma
From a personal viewpoint I still recall those teachers and family members who treated me with great kindness. I am fortunate that, by and large, my whole family was warm and caring, albeit sometimes emotionally reserved – typically English? I cannot say the same for the many teachers I’ve encountered in my lifetime. It is […]
Just saying: If we hold owners responsible for the behaviour of their pets why don’t we hold parents responsible for the behaviour of their young children? Just saying.
The Therapeutic Parent
What makes some parents better than others? Why are some babies and young children so ‘together’? Just exactly what makes the difference in one child over another, regardless of socio-economic status? May I tell you? It is important to note that what social scientists have long referred to as ‘socio-economic factors’ (in other words, you […]
Native Languages
I find that when I’m speaking to an English person or writing, I hope still in my own language, I feel much more fluent. Yet only recently have I come to think of English as my native language. It is interesting to note that the majority of Americans wouldn’t be aware that I was speaking […]