The time is coming. There is much you should be thinking about. Have you met the partner of your dreams? That’s great. If you haven’t don’t get desperate – I’ve seen what ‘desperate’ can do when they have to meet on matchdotcom and then ‘have’ to have a child because time is running out (By ‘have’ I mean: adopt/buy, invitro fertilization, sperm donations, surrogates plus the old fashioned way). You could be the generation that is damaging the next generation by neglecting your children.
‘Neglect’ includes assuming that any and all daycare situations are fine for your babies and toddlers and that it’s perfectly OK for your baby to be in a container while you ‘work at home’. I’m not going to explain ‘container’ to you.
If you start thinking now you can be the protectors of the next generation ensuring that their minds and bodies aren’t damaged by ignorant caretaking.
We all know that there is ignorant and careless caretaking in nursing homes – stories abound about the neglect of someone’s grandma and continue to horrify us. But, by the same token, if you don’t know that it’s happening at the opposite end of society you are sorely missing the boat and will permanently damage your child (I guarantee it because I’ve seen the damage on so many occasions, over a period of over 30 years).
Why would it be good for a child who is four and has very poor language skills to attend a school where it is customary (and by the way, considered ‘good’) for that child to work in a morning three-hour work period and not say a word to anyone!!! Saw it last week.
Why is it OK for a 5 month-old baby not to look all her carers in the eye? Saw it again yesterday. And for those carers not to be worried about it or the fact that the baby screams so loudly ‘for no apparent reason’, especially when the carers already know that the baby’s four-year-old brother still doesn’t have good eye contact with teachers he knows well, adults or his friends!
Why is it OK for two three-year-olds from different and unrelated families to parrot virtually all the language they hear and yet have little or no physical and emotional control of themselves?
These are the children of ‘successful’ parents – doctors, lawyers, etc. attending an expensive school.
Without children being their parent’s priority for at least their first five years they don’t stand much of a chance of being productive. And if they aren’t productive and communicative when they are three or four years old what hope is there for their future?
I’m warning you – step up to the plate and worry less about which minivan you need to buy to transport your children, or the new fashionable outfit/pushchair/cot for your baby (not forgetting the litany of other objects, including an ipad for your four-year-old, that you can’t stop yourself buying as a ‘good’ parent!) and worry more about the content of your baby’s brain – who is filling it and with what?
You might even consider not nursing your baby because ‘it looks good’, something a mother is supposed to do to appear to be doing the right thing, when your baby constantly reflects the fact that neither you nor he gets what should be passed through and by the nursing relationship!
Your behaviour is destructive to your baby and to those around you who assume you are nursing and caring for your baby for all the right reasons – you’re not!
Get in touch if you’re having problems with your baby! I’ll give you some clues…that is, if you are ready to change your own behaviour for the true good of your child.
But only when you’re ready to change!