Category Archives: Uncategorized
Self Education
I had an interesting discussion with my eldest son yesterday. Involved as Dan is in the world of the web and design he is now in demand (around the world!) as a speaker. This from someone who only spent one year in school and perhaps 6 semesters in college! Dan recently gave a 5‑minute talk […]
The Physical Care of Babies and Toddlers
Those of you who have read this blog, albeit intermittently written in recent months, know that my main focus is the care, neurotypical development and education of all children. That being said I have a grave concern about the actual daily physical care that babies and toddlers receive from their parents and carers. Yesterday I […]
Heeeere We Go Again!
I wrote these words 7 months ago. Young couple with two careers, brand new house, barely married a year and guess what…they get a puppy. “So cute” says everyone, and yet…he will be put in a cage five days a week from now onwards. What other choice is there? So tell me what’s the difference? A […]
What’s The Difference?
The difference lies with parents. There I’ve said it! Many people will say “that’s not an excuse” when speaking of the affect of their upbringing on the behaviour of adults (with or without children) now in their 20’s and 30’s, but it is still true. Parents lay the foundation, good or bad, when they choose how […]
Read This Book!
If you are a parent, particularly of an infant or toddler (you still have time to correct any mistakes in caregiving!) or contemplating becoming a parent, forget about all the childbirth or early years books you think you need and focus on just this book – it forecasts what will happen to your child if […]
Take Responsibility, Parents!
I know it’s unfashionable to ‘blame’ parents for the behaviour of their children but I think the time has come for every parent to accept responsibility for their children’s conduct, even starting with a crying infant. Let me be the first one to step up to the plate. True confessions: After I’d spent five days in […]
Making the Connections
As I reflect more and more on group childcare I make connections that apparently no one else is making. I recently googled ‘seizures’ again since a child in our facility had frequent ‘febrile seizures’ a year or so ago and seemed to be making progress in many regards. Yet while I was away for 3 […]
Nationalised Healthcare for America?
Growing up in England in my first 26 years, born immediately post WWII, I was the recipient of excellent health care from the brand new British nationalised health system, the NHS (National Health Service). There was always the option of paying privately to have any surgery performed more promptly and avoiding the NHS waiting list. […]
A Totally Different Topic
I’ve never put this in writing before — bras really suck! Since Warners discontinued my favourite bra of the last 10 years or more, I have been struggling to keep the last two going. One Saturday last month was the big day — and I do mean BIG! Do you know how big and ugly even small-size […]
Should I Tweet?
I really don’t think so! However, I am learning the lingo of tweeting and it’s all quite amusing. So here’s my pseudo-tweet for today from one mother to another (I just learned that ‘OH’ means overheard!): OH: You know the milk (breast milk) goes when you introduce solid food. Oh give me a break! I told […]