Category Archives: Uncategorized
“Why do we read?â€
This question was posed to a small group of eight of us at a college tutorial. The tutor had been teaching at the college for many years and must have remained so cloistered in her academic world that she didn’t know what was going on in the ‘big wide world’ outside! At 23 and having […]
This really stinks!
Why does a can of Green Giant sliced mushrooms state that it’s from Indonesia and yet a similar size can of Del Monte beets doesn’t state the country of origin? But then neither does the supermarket brand of beets! Should I really be checking up on the country of origin of major ‘trusted’ US brands of […]
*Disclaimer – I’m not a doctor, nurse or dietician* Don’t complain about another acronym to remember – this one’s easy! D – Diet E – Exercise R – Reduce stress T – Tender Loving Care Check out everyone you know who has: children with developmental or behavioural issues, relatives with Alzheimer’s, people going through post surgical rehab, […]
Fine Quilts from Alabama
I may have mentioned that I have a wonderful friend who has already made me two fine quilts – they would be ‘Fine quilts from Nebraska’! She has said that she has quilts for each of my sons ‘in the works’ – how lucky can we get? Thus the topic of quilts and sewing often comes […]
Moving forward?
My ‘forward motion’ (in life) seems to have stalled of late. I don’t feel I am in a position to complain to my friends – just about everyone had one trauma or another last month alone, with a couple more coming up this month! But I do need to feel I am moving forward with my life. […]
The Good Life
Just what exactly is the ‘good life’? The ‘good life’ really comes from a point of view not from having lots of material objects. If you value most highly the times you spend with your family and friends, I think that’s the ‘good life’. Some people wait all their lives, until retirement, for what they […]
Losing sight of your children
Never lose sight of your children! What I mean is – always keep them on your radar. In almost every instance of a child being ‘lost’ either physically or psychologically one or both parents didn’t have them on their radar. Now the obvious physical way to ‘lose’ your child can be in a supermarket or department […]
Who am I?
I never think much about who I am. I certainly don’t verbalise it! But the time may be coming when I should verbalise it and have it clear in my mind. As I wrote in my bio, I am a multitude of different people. I’ve worn lots of hats in my time and I’m constantly searching […]
Teach a child to speak…
I am paraphrasing the biblical admonition to ‘teach a man to fish and…’ When we don’t consciously work on teaching our children, any child, to speak we are depriving them of life itself. A child who can speak well can accomplish more than a child who reads well – I know. I was a child […]
Gardens and Children
I’m using the English version of the word ‘gardens’. An English garden doesn’t just mean a vegetable patch – it’s the whole thing, flowers, shrubs, trees and all. The English word for children is…children! So that part’s not complicated. I’ve been attending our local summer landscaping class (good idea to have it inside with A/C at […]