Category Archives: Uncategorized
29 Days of Fun — Days 20–29
Days 20–29 are something of a blur! Somewhere in the middle we went to a Rounders’ show on the west coast – an enjoyable weekend break and always a pleasure to hear them sing. Otherwise it’s getting up – or should I say being called at 6.30, 6.35 and finally 6.40 a.m. to say that […]
29 Days of Fun ‑Days 18 & 19
As I write this we are already getting to the end of March. Due to my early rising – 6.30 a.m. (not me at all!) each day for ‘work’ I have been pretty brain fried as far as writing is concerned. However by Day 18 I was anticipating my first day at work – the […]
29 Days of Fun — Day 17
It works! The theory for the month was to focus more on having fun each day and less on the anxiety of how to find a job, especially one I really liked. Today I got a call to start a new job in two days — working with babies! How much more fun could one […]
29 Days of Fun — Days 13–16
Day 13 I ended today feeling as though I’d had no fun at all. Feeling more like a very poor slave in fact. No more to say about living in this country except bitter words. Day 14 My day started well – got called to my substitute job at a little pre-school. Time to work a […]
29 Days of Fun — Days 9–12
Our garden club meeting didn’t start off so well yesterday, although we were all enjoying each other’s company. The person who was supposed to make contact to arrange for our meeting room to be opened hadn’t done her job! Fortunately a kind soul in an adjacent building offered us a meeting room – phew. Turned out […]
29 Days of Fun — Days 5–8
A walk – the day is gorgeous, the best that south Florida has to offer; beautiful blue skies and a lovely breeze blowing. A lucky break is that someone has already thrown out two clay pots onto their bulk trash pile – mine! Fun and it’s not 1 p.m. yet!! Day 6 Finally – I’ve got […]
February Theory — Day 1+
My youngest son came up with this theory. Life hasn’t been going too well for me so I’ve had to eliminate negative things (and sometimes people!) that aren’t making a positive contribution to my life. He came up with “29 Days of Fun”. This month he’s been asking me every day “What are you doing for […]
An Anniversary
February 15th actually marked the one-year anniversary of starting this blog. I almost can’t believe I’ve made it this far. In some ways this year of writing and posting has been therapeutic. I have been jobless for 2 years now so I had to find a purpose. At least writing every day has given me a […]
Learning Naturally
As a proponent of learning naturally at home, at least for little ones, and for my own children finding that they learned better when ‘unschooling’ (a very natural form of learning), I was astonished to read recently that researchers at the University of Haifa in Israel have ‘discovered’ that children with autism learn better in […]
Can ‘Friendships’ Run a Natural Course?
Last night I was distressed to find myself even contemplating such a thought. Most of my friendships date back either to the earliest days of my childhood or virtually every aspect, age, age group and stage of my life in between. Some of my friends were older and wonderfully loyal to me, as I was […]