Firstly — I am English. After that, I am:
Caregiver + Home Educator + Teacher + Daughter + Wife + Mother + Sister + Sister-in-law + Friend + Cousin + Auntie + Writer + Penfriend + Cook + Dreamer + Gardener + Traveller + Sailor + Advisor + Household Manager + Knitter +
Seamstress + Volunteer + Genealogist + Cockatiel Owner + Reader + Learner + ?.…..
These words, in ever-changing order and combinations, with additions yet to come, best describe what I do and who I am.
I am usually several of these people at the same time!
My ancestors are purported to have come from Portugal, France and Ireland. I now have relatives by marriage from India, Austria, Russia and the U.S. with adopted family from Trinidad. I belong to a truly multicultural group. We are a friendly mix of atheists, agnostics, Protestants, Catholics and Jews, by choice, heritage and marriage.