Category Archives: Uncategorized
I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles
Yes it’s that simple song which is nearly 90 years old! But I was thinking more about actually blowing bubbles. When my children were very young I found a fantastic big bubble maker. You had a bucket of soap mix outside and they could run around the garden making big bubbles and long bubbles – […]
Taking the ‘mal’ out of malnutrition
Whoops! – Where does that leave me writing my blog at ‘mal’-ipunations!!! What are ‘ipunations’ anyway? Phew! I think it’s OK because malipunations is just a made up word! A recent British study suggests that with rising obesity rates millions of Britons may also be suffering from ‘mal’-nutrition. The prefix ‘mal’ in ‘mal’-nutrition is from the […]
Back to the future?
I am currently reading “Neill of Summerhill – the Permanent Rebel†by Jonathan Croall. I don’t know how much of A. S. Neill’s work and philosophy I understood when I was at college in the late 60’s/early 70’s. What I do know is that I’ve known for a long time, as did he, that infants […]
Food for thought #2
Have you heard? China executed a former director of its food and drug agency yesterday. Does anyone know if we get any ingredients for our vaccines from China? One US family tried to live for a whole year without buying anything that was imported from China. The wife even wrote a book about their experience. Her children […]
Happiness – it’s right under your nose!
I suppose we all hope for happiness in our lives. We certainly wish it for our children. But happiness is an intangible thing. We see people laugh but are they really happy? Can you be happy and never smile or laugh? For some years I have known a man who obviously appreciates life and his family. […]
Getting warmer
No, this doesn’t refer to global warming. I’m talking about two recent speculative reports on ‘causes of autism’ I picked up on line. The first is that there might be a link between low levels of Vitamin D and autism. Apparently there is a relationship between Vitamin D and brain development. They’re definitely getting warmer with […]
Quirks of fate make life better.
In March I picked up an old friend at the airport. She is Catholic East Indian by culture, Canadian by citizenship. We first met in the US when our oldest children were 4 years old and attending a part-time pre-school programme – she was the classroom aide. Since my brother in England had just started going […]
What are your priorities?
Have you made a list of your priorities in life? I’ve gone through my life with priorities, I’ve just never written them down. In my 20’s my priority was to own an English cottage or small house in the countryside but at the same time close to a creek where I could sail my boat. I just […]
24 hours a week with love
I have long thought and known from experience that it only takes 24 hours a week to make a difference with a developmentally delayed child. Most especially the same quality 24 hours a week given to any child from the time they are 4 months of age (earlier if possible) will ensure that a child […]
Writing – 4 months and counting
I’ve been a conscious writer for over 10 years. By saying ‘conscious’ I mean that I actually have files and notebooks in which I’ve kept written ideas, perspectives and philosophies about my own life, the lives of young children and other people’s lives. I’ve been consciously blogging live for 4 months! Yikes! As a therapeutic tool I […]