I’m post­ing again! As I men­tioned in my last post of 2009 I start­ed a col­lege course in Jan­u­ary. It has absorbed much of my writ­ing and read­ing time since, but how excit­ing it’s been! Of course learn­ing new com­put­er pro­grammes has been chal­leng­ing but now that my son has set me up with some short­cuts the dai­ly logins and com­mu­ni­ca­tions don’t seem so daunting.

The blog writ­ing expe­ri­ence here is stand­ing me in good stead — the need for clar­i­ty and order in one’s writ­ing is essen­tial for col­lege lev­el, but I am learn­ing all the time.

Doing an online course with oth­er ‘mature’ stu­dents has made for an inter­est­ing group. We are also design­ing our own degree cours­es and need to reflect a lot on our life’s work — mine has been very varied!

But it feels good to read back over some of my draft blogs. Now I must choose the ones I think are most interesting.

Won’t wait so long to post in future!