Why don’t children from the inner city speak more clearly in high school?
Why don’t football players, even those who are attending major colleges, speak better?
Why does it appear to have become the norm in England to say ‘wiv’ instead of ‘with’.
Why is it that children from many middle class homes AREN’T learning to talk by the time they are 3?
Why do babies in daycare, public or private, have perpetually runny noses?
So, we have babies and toddlers who aren’t talking and who are permanently under par when it comes to their health and most of them have been in care from under 6 months of age.
Some children have been in subsidized programmes from their early years and publicly funded facilities and schools since then. That’s 18 years or more in a facility – is it any different from orphanages? I call them ‘day orphanages’. They’re still not speaking well!
It is very hard to meet many children who speak fluent English, even from households where the parents are educated and English speaking. I am usually astonished when I encounter a child of 2 or 3 years of age who speaks and behaves well.
Yet another close friend has a child who at 2 1/2 is undergoing speech therapy and certainly wasn’t cooperating, with anyone (and two of us are very adept with toddlers!) when we met for the first time – and it wasn’t The Terrible Twos! It was bigger than that.
The child comes from very fluent parents who speak well and clearly AND…drum roll please…he’s been with his grandparents or in daycare all this time, not been cared for by his mother.
My suspicion is that lesser trained and less instinctive daycare workers or carers still believe “Each child grows at their own pace†and don’t necessarily see that we have a responsibility to pick up on the possibility of deafness or lack of responsiveness in infants.
Of course I believe that each child grows at their own pace but there are common milestones that should be progressively reached in every child – even Down’s Syndrome children can fit the social expectations of normal children despite their limitations in some aspects of their development.
Let me reiterate…If daycare is so good…?