Days 20–29 are some­thing of a blur! Some­where in the mid­dle we went to a Rounders’ show on the west coast – an enjoy­able week­end break and always a plea­sure to hear them sing. Oth­er­wise it’s get­ting up – or should I say being called at 6.30, 6.35 and final­ly 6.40 a.m. to say that my tea is get­ting cold!

I have the jour­ney down to a T now and am always on time – anoth­er unheard of phenomenon!

Also in the midst of these last 10 days was a ‘staff meet­ing’, a first for me – Oh, the pol­i­tics! Then the feel­ing that one per­son was being picked on (not me!) – she was right! She was being picked on. 

More on that anoth­er time. I may not both­er with ‘staff meet­ings’, although per­haps I should devel­op those much need­ed diplo­mat­ic skills!

Suf­fice it to say – I love my work but still do not believe in insti­tu­tion­alised child care, espe­cial­ly for babies!

The fun goes on!