As I write this we are already get­ting to the end of March. Due to my ear­ly ris­ing – 6.30 a.m. (not me at all!) each day for ‘work’ I have been pret­ty brain fried as far as writ­ing is concerned.

How­ev­er by Day 18 I was antic­i­pat­ing my first day at work – the sub­sti­tute job turned into a 6 hour a day 5 day a week job at a lit­tle Montes­sori ‘school’ for babies and tod­dlers. I am final­ly employed!

Day 19 – first day at ‘school’ doing what I love! Seems I have a good touch with putting babies to sleep! 

Our charges come in all shapes and sizes between 5 and 10 months of age – the ‘larger’ ones are very hard to car­ry and cra­dle whilst stand­ing up but if they’re cry­ing just before going to sleep they can be tak­en into the gar­den to calm down and where the adults can sit.

Fun days — lots of smiles, at least look­ing at sleep­ing babies!