Day 13

I end­ed today feel­ing as though I’d had no fun at all. Feel­ing more like a very poor slave in fact. No more to say about liv­ing in this coun­try except bit­ter words.

Day 14

My day start­ed well – got called to my sub­sti­tute job at a lit­tle pre-school. Time to work a few hours before going to my gar­den­ing job. I actu­al­ly met a very nice lady from Eng­land who was tour­ing the school – her child com­mu­ni­cat­ed beau­ti­ful­ly at 22 months and I told her how ter­rif­ic she was! What a pleas­ant exchange I had with her and her daughter.

I received a love­ly Valentine’s card, mug and ther­mos from my hus­band – he remem­bered! More than I did!

Home in time to change and get every­thing ready for the gar­den­ing job – which should be fun. After sev­er­al days of severe thun­der­storms and a mis­er­ably day yes­ter­day, today is bright, clear and com­fort­able to be out.

Should end up the day on a wel­come fun note.

Day 16

Today I bought three flow­er­ing plants from local nurs­eries, dug up and divid­ed a plant I already had, ‘discovered’ a plant which had been over­crowd­ed by oth­ers and moved it, trimmed back lots of 4 o’clocks and then plant­ed what I’d bought and found.

What a grand day to be out in the sun. I am now offi­cial­ly pooped! But nev­er mind! I had fun.

Our day will end with sup­per with spe­cial friends and meet­ing their lit­tle boy for the first time.