A child wasn’t talk­ing by the time he was 3 or 4 years old?

Once he was ‘diag­nosed’ and got inter­ven­tion he start­ed talk­ing and had gained flu­en­cy by the time he was 5.

He still has no imag­i­na­tive play or sense of humour. 

At age 5, on hol­i­day with his par­ents in his grand­par­ents’ house, he was oblig­ed to write five sen­tences every day, about each day, in his journal.

While at the table by him­self he didn’t start writ­ing because he couldn’t recall what he’d done, so his grand­ma went to help him – his moth­er got upset with grand­ma for ‘help­ing’!

He still had to prac­tice piano for half an hour a day.

He’d already taught him­self cur­sive but his school instruct­ed his par­ents not to ‘teach’ him things they aren’t doing at school.

Also at age 5 he has his own cell phone, lap­top, DVD play­er and dig­i­tal camera.

When he was younger he sat with his par­ents and watched scarey movies but his par­ents said it didn’t mat­ter because he didn’t pay attention.

His school will not give him an IQ test until he’s 8 years old.

What would you think?