Grand­fa­ther #1: Com­fort­ably picks you up at 15 months and bur­bles to you in Spanish

Grand­fa­ther #2: Nev­er vis­its you, his grandchild

Which grand­fa­ther would you rather have?

Care­giv­er #1: Invents games, takes you for walks, sits on the floor with you, laughs with you.

Care­giv­er #2: Nev­er talks to you or plays with you.

Which care­giv­er would you rather have?

Moth­er #1: Doesn’t greet you with a hug or kiss when she arrives home

Moth­er #2: Sits on the floor to greet you while lis­ten­ing to the nanny’s report on the activ­i­ties of the day.

Which moth­er would you rather have?

Easy choic­es in my mind. The list is endless.