The first of a two-part blog today. This list is in no particular order of importance.
The first 26:
1. Don’t talk to your infant or toddler in more than grunts, if possible don’t talk to them at all, for as long as you can.
2. When and if they do start to talk repeat their incorrect words and grammar back to them every time they speak.
3. Certainly never ever cradle them in your arms when they are infants.
4. Let them feed themselves with a bottle at their earliest ability.
5. Use an ‘activity center’ on a regular basis even if the infant/toddler cries when lying on it or sitting in it.
6. When you return to work make sure you use a multitude of caregivers all with different expectations, values, attitudes and language abilities.
7. Overwhelm your child with material possessions; bringing ‘a treat’ home every day is preferred.
8. Give your child unlimited choices, particularly in clothing, as they get older so that they become bemused and incapable of making decisions.
9. Seldom if ever sit at a table with your child for a meal.
10. Please, never make mealtimes a social interchange.
11. Make rigid household and dress code rules so that your child becomes neurotic about adhering to them or ignores them altogether.
12. Fight and wrestle with your child even when they are ‘saying’ (crying/sobbing) that they don’t want to continue.
13. Leave a toddler in a sodden unchanged nappy (diaper) for long (hours!) periods of time just because they ‘won’t allow you to change him/her’.
14. Lock your toddler in their bedroom so that they won’t disturb your sleeping or waking time.
15. Leave your 2‑year-old in a playpen in the ‘care’ of an incapacitated older (80+ year old!) carer for hours at a time.
16. If you have a pool, make sure it isn’t properly cleaned or balanced for hygiene purposes – a ‘green’ pool ensures that you and your children will get sick!
17. Allow and encourage your dog to lick (calling it a “kissâ€) your infant/toddler/child’s face at every opportunity.
18. Explain nothing to your children from a very early age; see #1.
19. Allow virtually unlimited access to children’s DVD’s, so- called ‘educational’ TV programming and movies you deem quite appropriate for a small child because ‘s/he loves musicals’, never mind that many parts of the movies, even cartoons, are scary.
20. Never refuse your toddler/child anything, especially within the first five minutes after you return home from work.
21. Put your toddler/child in a ‘naughty chair’ or in their room as soon as you come home from work, while you are on the phone with a friend, just because your child is crying and needed and hoped for your attention.
22. At other times let them use the ‘naughty chair’ as a toy.
23. Override the rules that a caregiver has set in place but don’t follow through on any rules except the most rigid; see #11.
24. Never ever listen to your children.
25. Don’t even think about trying to understand what your infant/ toddler/child is talking or thinking about.
26. Never be aware of ‘design’ changes you make in their bedroom that may affect their sleeping patterns e.g. not only moving them from a cot (crib) to a bed, but also changing the location of their bed within the room!
Twenty-six more next time.