I’ve been a con­scious writer for over 10 years. 

By say­ing ‘conscious’ I mean that I actu­al­ly have files and note­books in which I’ve kept writ­ten ideas, per­spec­tives and philoso­phies about my own life, the lives of young chil­dren and oth­er peo­ple’s lives. 

I’ve been con­scious­ly blog­ging live for 4 months! Yikes!

As a ther­a­peu­tic tool I start­ed a dai­ly jour­nal when my hus­band was in hos­pi­tal, from June 6th 1999, 8 years ago. I kept it up dai­ly until Book 3 (I was by his bed­side all day and every day of his 70 day hos­pi­tal stay; he was in a coma for 50 of those days — what else was I going to do?!). 

After two days in a nurs­ing rehab cen­ter (72 days after his ini­tial emer­gency surgery) we brought him home – to die we thought. From then on I became nurse, com­pan­ion etc etc – I did every­thing. There was bare­ly time to keep my jour­nal. But he’s sur­vived and looks pret­ty good these days, even if I say so myself!

A friend said I should destroy the jour­nal once he was home and get­ting bet­ter! No way!

Of course I haven’t read it since but it may become a book one day. I just couldn’t destroy it. (That may be because my mater­nal grand­moth­er destroyed the 4 plus years of wartime let­ters my par­ents exchanged). We don’t throw much away in our family!

This is my 73rd blog arti­cle – albeit the major­i­ty of arti­cles are not online yet. I write near­ly every day on some top­ic or oth­er. Does it make me a writer when I have writer’s block or I’m not hap­py with the flow of the writ­ing? Per­haps so.

In Sep­tem­ber I’m going to a writer’s group meet­ing for the first time. Oth­er than what I’ve gleaned from three half day writ­ing class­es giv­en by local authors and going to book read­ings by the pub­lished authors my hus­band loves to read I haven’t had any instruc­tion on being a writer.

I have con­firmed that I write and spell in two lan­guages – Eng­lish Eng­lish and Amer­i­can Eng­lish – the author I men­tioned that to didn’t, or couldn’t, believe me but oth­ers in atten­dance who were for­eign born knew what I was talk­ing about. After all, even our spo­ken lan­guages are dif­fer­ent and have dif­fer­ent nuances, why wouldn’t our writ­ten lan­guages be dif­fer­ent too?

Some­times I feel as though I don’t know which lan­guage I’m writ­ing in. Spellcheck usu­al­ly cor­rects my Eng­lish spellings auto­mat­i­cal­ly. I try to use them on this blog!! Just because I can!!

But at least I’m writ­ing. Where it will lead I don’t know. Per­haps a nov­el about my expe­ri­ences, maybe a ‘how to’ book for care­givers or par­ents – but there are loads of those around – either way I’ll have to find the ‘hook’.

I’m a writer!