It’s the inability of people at any level in bureaucracies, particularly big government but often big business too, to come face to face with issues.
Staff at our county run public hospital no longer look you in the eye when you pass by – 8 years ago their level of courtesy and acknowledgement of the individual was palpable, now it’s disappeared.
Employees and contractors running a major project within my city never respond to letters of query the first time around – we are talking about a project worth hundreds of millions of dollars of our tax money!
Our local school system ‘loses’ children in its computer system and then fails to notify volunteers of what’s happened – and then – the system continues to send mail out to the volunteer despite a pointed request to be taken off the system’s mailing list.
My local literacy program coupled a 64 year old student, who has never been able to read and write, with adult students who were highly educated in other countries – there is no comparison – one has a high level of literacy the other has none. Why did it have to be brought to the attention of the system?
The systems are ‘autistic’ — they don’t look you in the eye, they don’t communicate with you, they simply do not understand what the world is all about. The systems are as imprisoned in their world as autistic children are prisoners of theirs.
Unless and until we get our institutions out of their ‘autistic’ mindset we can’t hope to get autistic children out of theirs.