Pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tions might ask me why I’m so open to meet­ing new peo­ple. I haven’t moved house in near­ly 26 years and I’m real­ly hap­py about feel­ing so per­ma­nent in so many ways – not that I can ever be an Amer­i­can, I’m Eng­lish still.

But you just nev­er know who is round the cor­ner to enrich your life.

The past two weeks has been a busy time of meet­ing up with old friends who I haven’t seen in 10 years, oth­er friends that I haven’t seen in sev­er­al years and brand new faces (all of whom are inter­con­nect­ed by time or pre­vi­ous trav­el adven­tures!). Some I hope will at least be or remain pen friends – adding to my nev­er-end­ing won­der­ful­ly diverse list. 

Not to men­tion final­ly writ­ing to those who are more on the move than I ever wish to be and sent Christ­mas cards to me, know­ing that I would still be liv­ing here! How hope­ful they were! 

I have been try­ing to get in touch with an old­er lady from this town who was always a won­der­ful spin­ner of his­tor­i­cal tales and belonged to our fab­u­lous non-tra­di­tion­al gar­den club and was a strong force in this com­mu­ni­ty. Of course she doesn’t have an answer­ing machine (!) and didn’t answer her door when I knocked. 

Then out of the blue there was an arti­cle in the local news­pa­per about the riv­er that runs through the mid­dle of town and there she is quot­ed!! She has always been very envi­ron­men­tal­ly con­scious and opin­ion­at­ed – I loved her for both!

So came my oppor­tu­ni­ty to make con­tact again. Anoth­er let­ter got written.

Per­haps its because I’m on the verge of cross­ing the Atlantic again that spurs me to tie up loose ends. April will have almost come and gone by the time I return and then I’ll be caught up with oth­er excite­ment – men’s bar­ber­shop har­mo­ny com­pe­ti­tion and cho­rus annu­al show (our sons), with the chance of meet­ing up with oth­ers I haven’t seen in a while.

So if the blog doesn’t appear for a few weeks – rest assured I shall have grist for the mill upon my return.

A 95 year old friend died last week — human con­tact still mat­tered to her.